Seeds of Change - detail 7, lips


Sondra Sula

Seeds of Change - detail 7, lips
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Seeds of Change - detail 7, lips
Detail of painting "Seeds of Change." One of the tomato seeds from the hip has "escaped" and is lingering by the mouth, ready to be transformed by words. From the full painting: The idea for this painting came to me during one of my spiritual practices, but I did not paint it for several years. The meaning behind it is that by looking at a seed, one cannot possibly imagine what the flower or fruit will look like without already knowing this in advance. When we “plant our seeds” with the things we say and do, for good or ill, we frequently do not know the outcome. If we try to plant seeds of love, we have no idea how our love may sprout or what form it might take in the future. The hair looks like a striped zucchini or watermelon, and the yellow flakes are pieces of light.